.....Flash, bang wallop......

what a picture.

Finally, eventually sense prevailed....Dad listened....not to me but to the Daughter who talked him out of spending a small fortune...and he settled for this Nikon Coolpix, plus memory card and camera bag for just under £165.

Now all he has to do is read the manual. learn how to use it, practice with it, learn how to use his computer for something other than playing Solitaire, learn how to down load and edit photographs and how to print them and he'll be all set.

Hope he can manage it....but I'm not 100% certain.

Weather has persisted with rain again...all day....and it appears to be set for the rest of the week....so that's my two week holiday gone....1 afternoon fishing....the rest of the time running round like an idiot after everybody else.

Shaun phoned tonight....from hospital....chest pains....they're keeping him inovernight as he has had one heart attack previously....so that could be tomorrow afternoon sfter I've put Dad on the train....hospital visiting.

It never rains but it pours......

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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