Eu nice…….I dont think so?!

Well what a wild wet & windy one its been today……. a stills blip doesn’t do it any justice……those trees were bent almost double at some points!

Windy this morning but nothing compared to this afternoon!

Worked up until 2pm….. had lunch then pontificated whether or not I should be venturing out in this weather, but the need to get out of the house won, coffee beckoned…… very blowy but nothing to problematic. I enjoyed a good while sat in the peace and quiet with my coffee and a meal planner for next week. Really have lost my mojo again, having found it a few weeks ago……. :-(

Gotta keep trying though…… if only this weather would improve, id settle for some brightness never mind sunshine!

Finished the last two episodes of Bridgerton this evening….. now looking forward to 25 March :-) when Mr Handsome returns ;-)

Had a late dinner, pan fried seabass with cauli brocoli and leeks in a light cheese white sauce…….tasty but am now feeling peckish again, mind you it is 01.00am :-/

Also treated myself to a G&T tonight too

Bed it is now…… no plans tomorrow, so probably a little lie in :-)

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