Get Up Old Gal, It’s Past Our Snack Time

Sunny but very windy. Our high today is 52 deg F and they predict the low will be 22 deg F. The kitties were waiting patiently for lazy me to crawl out of bed. This is our daily routine. They stay close and follow me until they get their three tiny treats from Grammy. Millie sleeps on my legs most nights; Blanche has her spot at the foot of the bed. We have had these gentle sweeties almost 15 years and hope they hang around for many more. Our first event of the day was Brooklyn’s basketball game at noon. At the half, the score was 7-0, Brooklyn made them all and was exceptional on defense. We won 11-6 with 4 of the six points made when she was required to take a break. Her teammates are starting to understand a bit more about defense though. We enjoyed our DIL’s BBQ pork for lunch. It was time for a break after completing my ironing. Hubby did his knee strengthening exercises. After 5:00 pm Mass, we plan to enjoy the wood burning fireplace since it will be cold and windy out. Great night for some tea and a good book. We had 43 new COVID cases, still too many for me. Stay safe folks. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Sounds like there is stormy weather in many places of our world this weekend. Thanks for the visit and sharing your great weather photos. “As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind.” – Cleveland Amory

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