Pickin’ and Grinnin’

Sunny with a high of 42 deg F and forecasted low of 35 deg F. We had a lazy Sunday for sure. Kristen called around 8:30 am and I was still lounging in bed. Hubby had been up for hours. He read and finished producing his Knights’ Fourth Degree minutes. I took a short walk and listened to the robins sing from higher branches in the trees. This one looked so pretty against the blue sky. We had many varieties of birds at the feeders and bird baths but they flew when they saw me; it was impossible to photograph them. Hubby is an avid bluegrass fan and wanted to go to a small show in the adjacent county. The lead singer, Danny Paisley, has won best vocals three years lately and had many number one hits in his 50 years performing, first with his Dad and now with his son. I personally enjoy listening to the super talented musicians playing their instruments. We had Italian for dinner and headed home. Decided to fill my fourth spot in the collage with this shot of a local power plant. Southern Maryland residents are up in arms with our new electric power rates. We are fortunate it’s just the two of us so doubling our bill won’t hurt that much but my children are getting hit with terrible bills. Add that to fuel prices and restaurant meals potentially doubling, food prices going through the roof, etc. and things are getting tough for many. We certainly count our blessings having adequate retirements. Sure hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for visiting. Thirty new COVID cases in the last 24 hours. Be safe. “Listening (to bluegrass) is like running down a mountain on a switchback trail, the sound of surprise generating its own momentum. There's a punk glee inside the bluegrass craft and a punk vehemence inside the bluegrass smile”. - Greil Marcus

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