Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Wakey, wakey!

What on earth happened?..........

Well, it's back to the old routine, hat, gloves and neck tucked well and truly into my jacket!

The sky is a heavy metal colour, soulless and un-interesting, my breath making the only feature in the air.

Winter drags her feet, clinging and scraping to her last remnants, her long white gown still settled here and there. I'm tired of her presence, a guest that was once beautiful and now has made themselves tiresome.

The grey sky is reflected in the sad eyes of the passers by. I peddled as fast as I could to get my heart going, enjoying the rush of it all. People lurched out of their houses yawning....come on folks....time for another day!

The swans down by the river were all still asleep , all except one who was stretching out to greet the day.

Right then! Lets be having it....first day back at work!

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