Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Rain didn’t stop play …

We were SO lucky with the weather ! It stopped raining just after I collected Jake to go to his rugby club , home game today … and it didn’t start raining until we arrived on our driveway !!! THEN it rained and rained and rained and didn’t seem as if it was going to stop . My poor eldest daughter ( mother of the muddy child in my blip ) has an absolute BEAST of a kidney infection and ended up at Warwick hospital this morning .. her best friend took her because she didn’t want Jake to miss out on his rugby … also my daughter knows I’ll make sure the boy is sparkling clean and I’ll wash the muddy kit ;-)) she’s not daft … I kept him at my house all day so she could rest this afternoon.
It’s now half term so we’ve got the next two days with adventures planned !!
Jim is doing the daily hospital run with my dad so all bases are covered … we do spy code speak - when Jim has seen dad into the hospital he will text me ‘the fox is in the hen house ‘ …. And then when he collects him he will text ‘ the package is out in the open’ ……

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