Neighborhood Confab Reveals

These hellebores are not mine but they are nice. 

It was 66 degrees F this afternoon (19 degrees C). It was so lovely that everyone in the neighborhood complex was out and we all had an impromptu gathering in the street. My favorite model, Samuel, a dog Samuel likes to play with, and people from houses throughout the complex. Guess what? 

E V E R Y O N E  I N  T H E  C O M P L E X  H A S  M I C E

Everyone has mice or had mice and expects to have them again

One person was charged $200 by Terminex to lay glue traps (the cruelest traps but the mice weren't going in to other traps - sound familiar?)

Terminex offered to put metal mesh over one person's dryer vent....for $1000!! uh, no  

People have been told that mice are not going between walls, they are going house to house by running along the roofs!!! 

I feel better, I feel .... absolved???

and I feel worse

because now I know we will have mice forever.

Every single person needs to adopt a cat.

In fabulous news - hummus.

I have never liked hummus. Ages ago I worked for the Middle East division of a company. Every party we had hummus and falafel. If I had worked for the Latin America division or the Africa division I could have had decent food at parties but no, every single party had hummus and falafel. 

oh you have to try this
hummus quesadilla
it was soooooo wonderful 
hummus, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives

And for dinner, hummus tortilla pizza with root vegetables
I need to work on making the tortilla crisper but it was also good

but the hummus quesadilla - seriously - if it sounds good to you, you should try it


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