Afternoon Sunshine After Rain

Mostly sunny this morning, with odd showers, then mostly showers with odd sunshine in the afternoon.  Mostly showers tonight, windy too.

A morning puttering about the house, and walkies with Sammy.  After lunch, I headed down to mam's, and we headed out for a walk.  Warmed up with a cuppa after.  Popped along Adele for a cuppa this afternoon.  Working in the shop tonight, and a busy night it's been.  Hopefully get out walkies with Sammy before bed, if he really, really, wants to go.

Scalloway must have been sheltered from the winds, as I only noticed them when I arrived at mam's.  We headed out for a walk, and got caught out in a couple of showers, but they cleared, and even brought some sunshine too.  The ground is soaking, we could do with a few months dry, to help drain the land.  A quick snap when the sun appeared, at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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