Get Back. Waaaay back

This evening, the Minx and I went along to The Everyman to see the film of The Beatles' legendary rooftop performance from January 30th, 1969. The film is an excerpt from Peter Jackson's full seven hours and forty-eight minutes long documentary about the recording of what would become the 'Let It Be' album.

If you're a Beatles fan, then it's not far short of a miracle, but even if you aren't, it's a 'must see' snapshot of the late Sixties. Indeed, in some respects, the vox pops taken from the street below are perhaps the most interesting and moving part of the film.And I don't know anything about remastering film, but the picture and sound are so crystal clear that it's like watching something that was recorded yesterday.

As far as The Beatles are concerned, the entire project has been a glorious correction of history as written by the tabloids. Here are the Beatles getting along famously, working hard at their craft, writing songs that will become part of everyone's musical knowledge. On the rooftop, we see what a great live band they remained, despite not having toured for years.

And, as usual, The Everyman staff rose to the occasion.

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