Langworthy Live

Slept ok, up and out by 9.30…….after my porridge, didnt bother with a brew, went out & got myself a coffee, spent a leisurely 45mins, pondering both Wordle & Quordle, both pretty addictive but being a words person, I do enjoy doing them!

After my coffee, I drove across Manchester, to my camera club colleagues photographic studio….. we spent a pleasant few hours experimenting how steady I could handhold, with, then without image stabilisation….. turns out Im pretty good ;-)

Once we said our farewell, I found a little cafe for a bite to eat and drink….no wonder I was hungry… was 2.30 almost!

B from yesterdays walk had said she would be at a Live Music Event later this afternoon and evening….. she sent me the details. I decided to stop off for an hour…… which turned into several lol!!

Took lots of images today, but really liked this portrait of the lead singer of the band I sat and listened to, in the Dry Cleaners lol! Inthink they were called Strange Sun. Its a really innovative event, using High Street shops, ie Barbers, Dry Cleaners, Restaurant, the Community Life Centre, as intimate Live Music venues… local musicians an opportunity show what they can do! I really enjoyed it!

By the time I arrived home it was 8.30……must admit I stopped off at Macdonald’s for a chicken wrap and medium fries as I couldn’t be bothered cooking so late, plus I hadn’t taken anything out of the freezer.

I also needed to sort out my overnight bag, iron the clothes Im going to wear tomorrow night, when I got out with friends M&L, who are kindly putting me up too!

Im feeling quite tired as its been a full on busy day, but very enjoyable, primarily photography focused too, which has been a rarity in the last couple of years :-)

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