A Thief of White

It was a special morning at the fish market. I watched the sun come up, and then the fun started. Two boats were waiting to unload, and their cargo couldn't  have been more different.

The first boat was one that I saw a few days ago. They came in with herring (a bait fish), and again they asked for my help in keeping the thieving pelicans away. I obliged, but if they ask me once more...I'm going to ask to be put on the payroll. ;0)

The next boat was a huge steel ship from Dover, Delaware, and they had the big boys. Shark, swordfish, and yellowfish tuna. It was the first time that I ever seen the big fish unloaded. Some were so big that 3 men couldn't lift them, and they had to bring a forklift in.

I wanted to post some pictures of the giants, but I never realized that they chopped their heads off at sea...so it really wasn't a pretty picture. I WANTED TO SEE A SWORDFISH...WITH THE SWORD!

Still, something to see.

In the extras are a pelican at sunrise, and a trio of the 100's of birds that the bait boat attracted.

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