What the duck

I noticed a bit of a kerfuffle on the Water of Leith as I was waiting at the bus stop; at first I assumed it was just normal duck-ery but it seemed to be going on for much longer than the usual 10 second job. Then I realised this was male-on-male mallard action. Look large if you wish. No idea - was this mating-type behaviour in which case was it consensual, or rape, or a mistake, or....a rehearsal? Or was it attempted murder? I lost sight of them as the bus drew up and then saw them both apparently surfacing separately and doing lots of diving and wing flapping.

That gull looked pretty bemused as well. And only when I downloaded this did I notice that our neighbour big Oscar was being taken for his walk on the far side of the Water, and didn't seem to be paying any attention either.

After five hours or so, I found myself in Milton Keynes.

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