Hot chocolate

This one came down stairs in tears after bathtime, he had been told off for hogging the bath (little legs aren't so little any more and can take up most of the bath if they want to).  We made some hot chocolate to take up as an apology and to help two tired children get to sleep.  The eldest had a great day, but by bed time was on borrowed time and it was starting to show. 

I took the boys to see Granny and Grandpa today, the husband needed some time to get some things done and it's sometimes easier to be out of the house - and, we realised we hadn't been to Stamford since Christmas! Everyone was very happy to have some time together, and it was so nice to see the boys happy to play, checking out the toys there and ensuring all was in order. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The happiness of playing with toys you've been playing with since a small little toddler - and are possibly getting a little small now! 
Simple pleasures 
Late afternoon walk with the dog, a beautiful evening and the dog was very well behaved - did the whole thing off the lead, proud of him for that. 

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