
By antipodean

Original features

This photo required extensive use of my flip out screen and led to me crouched in tan bark in my slippers, vainly trying to avoid spider webs.

Another fairly quiet day, with only a trip to the gym to break it up. I did some intense clearing in my room and made several random discoveries, such as a pair of my old pyjama pants in my craft basket and a pile of Dad's old car magazines where I keep my shoes. I've no idea how these things ended up in such random places but I suspect my parents had something to do with it!

This is a photo of the old tap in our back garden. It's one of the 'original features' that was advertised when the house was up for sale. Almost every house in my area has some kind of original feature, but that term can apply to a beautiful heritage fireplace or an old bathroom right out the back with only a piece of corrugated iron protecting you from the rain while you shower; it's kind of potluck what you'll end up with! Luckily our house has the former and not the latter...

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