
By antipodean

White horse

I'd like to say that my clever little pun for today's title is original, but it's not. The cafe I was at today is called Snow Pony because it's on Whitehorse Road. It took me way too long to figure that out when the cafe first opened...

Today was weird. Dad drove me out to Deepdene to get a blood test (ew) this morning, and I repaid the favour this afternoon by driving him out to Box Hill to pick up his Saab from the mechanic's. This is my old area - I grew up about five minutes from Deepdene - and although I still go out there sometimes to see friends and family, it's rare for me to go out twice in one day. It felt like a long day of driving up and down the same road, running essential but fairly boring errands. It's nice to tick things off my to-do list though!

I really don't have much to say about today's photo. I liked the print on the napkin at the cafe. I wanted to get a picture of the white horse (or snow pony) statue above the cafe but I couldn't get a very good angle so I gave up. This one will have to do!

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