Bang Bang (again!)

Less than a fortnight after replacing the grill element in the cooker, the main oven element failed. This has happened a few times in the past and is usually accompanied by a loud bang and circuit breakers tripping. But in spite of the very obvious damage to the element, the only evidence it had failed was a lack of heat upon opening the oven door, half cooked food and a fine white powder covering everything!
Replacement ordered on Monday and it arrived this morning. Because I’d stripped the oven down to clean it after the element failed, it was a quick - and clean! - process to install the new one. Power turned back on and all appeared to be working as it should. This is the fifth main oven element this cooker has needed since it was installed about 12 years ago. I’ve no idea if this is normal or if there is a deeper fault that keeps causing these failures. Never seen anything obvious whilst replacing elements, so maybe it’s just down to overuse! Let’s just wait and see how long this one lasts.
Other than that spot of amateur electricing this afternoon, I had a decent workout in the gym to get myself in peak condition for tonight’s play read through. Amateur dramatics is a dog eat dog world and you’ve got to be on your A game if you want a decent role!

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