Remember Man That Thou Art Dust…

We got up and got ready for 9:00 Mass. Parker texted me before 8:00 to let me know the school kids would be there. It was exciting to think we could finally attend Mass with our grands’ and their classmates. Pre-COVID, we joined them every Friday and holy day. But it wasn’t to be. The sacristan let us know the current rules still say kids only at that Mass - maybe we will get to one before the end of the school year. We worked on the tax papers for hours, took a short nap and attended 5:00 Mass. Our new deacon certainly left his mark on hubby. My son-in-law brought me a thoughtful gift and we visited as I prepared our first Lenten meal. The word from Ukraine is dire. We finally found a couple reliable sources, including the Knights’, to funnel resources to the Ukrainian people. They need so much just to survive. Keep these innocent folks in your prayers and/or good wishes. Thanks for stopping by. “Some people think that having ash on your forehead is ridiculous. But I am neither ashamed nor afraid because the ashes remind me that I have to someday pass away and reunite with my creator.” - Walter Buns

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