Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur

Type of day when lots happened but didn't stop for photos. I was so worn out from another sleepless night with Arwen - she was still up every hour or so even though she had a late night - that didn't get up until nine this morning. Then headed to Hexham for Grace's swimming lesson. After lunch the girls had friends round for a play date and the mummies had a good chat too. And then it was tea and bed time...

So today you're getting a photo of the left over dessert from last night's dinner: white chocolate cheesecake. It's a no-bake recipe, though you do need to melt the chocolate:


Melt 50g butter and mix with about 16 ginger snaps that have been whizzed into crumbs. Press into base of lined tin and refrigerate.

For topping, melt 300-400g white chocolate. Leave to cool, then combine with 250g cream cheese, 250ml double cream and 300g mascarpone. Spread on top of base, refrigerate overnight.

Tastes good served with some raspberries.

Thanks for suggestions for yesterday's title. Today's is rather cryptic; can anyone guess the link? Gosh this is getting like the Q Magazine spine notes. Almost.

101/365 completed!

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