And Your Bird Can Sing

Another sunny day so we went for a leisurely walk around Kendal, aiming to stop for a spot of lunch along the way.
You can certainly tell Spring has arrived - Crocus and Snowdrops bursting out all over and the sound of birdsong filling the air. Unfortunately, even though I could hear them, I was having a lot of difficulty actually seeing where they were. Mrs C claims to have seen sparrows, dippers and greenfinches, but all I managed to spot was a solitary robin up ahead, singing away to itself. Now, my track record of capturing robins on camera is fairly miserable - the little beggars seem happy to pose shamelessly for anybody else, but fly away the second I even think about reaching for my phone.
This one was no exception, but it obviously couldn’t be bothered flying that far, as it settled in the next tree along the path. And this time I was ready for it, managing to snatch a few quick shots before it flew off into the distance.
But by the time I’d binned the out of focus and blurred photos, along with the ones of the empty branch, I only had a couple to choose from. And, of those, this can only be described as “best of a bad lot”.
Kind of wishing I’d taken a picture of the Crocus instead, because at least they don’t move around!

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