
My writing style doesn't not lend itself well to academic writing, cue the pain of proofing, worrying about dangling particles and split infinitives (both are my most frequent offences). 

And of course, a proof means trying to re-write to make each sentence just that little bit better.  

Swimming with the boys after school, it's a lovely half hour to sit quietly and relax.  Despite being brand new, the car park is terrible and they haven't enough changing cubicles.  I complained to the staff today as it's not good enough to keep children hanging around cold and wet after swimming because there isn't anywhere to change.  I told the man at reception I didn't want him to answer, anything he said would only infuriate me even more - he duly listened to me and nodded sagely, thankfully, tired mothers aren't always the best to do battle with. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The Masters research proposal is written - just the proofing tomorrow 
Calling an old friend, her daughter is turning 18, and has just had a stroke and been in a coma.  A very tough start to adulthood and it was touching to be able to share experiences. 
A walk at lunch time where we saw lots of neighbours to chat to, they were all out enjoying the sunshine. 

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