500th Blip, 500 Miles from Home

The TN family lives 500 miles from us. It just seems appropriate that we’d be here for my 500th blip. But knowing they wouldn’t be together today, I actually featured them yesterday. I was in a tizzy what to use for today though. We came over early to take Bob and Riley to breakfast before work. On the way, I saw the first barn quilt, then another. After breakfast, hubby and I explored some new country roads, not caring where we were going. We couldn’t believe we found even more lovely quilts. We retraced our path and hubby stopped so I could capture each of them. On still another new country road, we found this charming homestead. The garage was built like a covered bridge and featured a classic truck out front. Even their shed was decorative. What a great find. We picked up Mike and drove to our favorite old fashioned country store, Yoder’s. It was hard to restrain ourselves, everything they sell is delicious. I grabbed two desserts to take to WV since I didn’t bake this time. We found special treats for our WV hosts and for our kitty sitters. Mike got his pup a treat and we all bought fried strawberry cheesecake pies. What a fun day we had exploring country roads. Glad I didn’t count on taking my family picture today as Jillian needed to go to a friend’s house to study so she will not be going to dinner with us. We’ll just have to come back this summer to spend more time with them all. We’d love to have them visit us but their work schedules are too restrictive. Thanks for the stopping by. God bless so many of you who have found ways to help the Ukrainian folks. Stay safe. “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams

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