
By FarmerGirl

The view from the top

I decided to attempt the skyline walkway again today, and this time son T came along. Kiwilizzie joined us, and I have to say it was good having her come along. She is so much fitter than I am, and she pushed me that wee bit further, than I would have if she hadn't been there. So, L, thank you for joining T & me, it was a great workout! Of course while I was sweating, puffing and huffing up the hill walkway, T was striding it out, showing no sign of feeling even that wee bit puffed. What it is to be so young and fit!

At the top of the walkway, we stopped, caught our breath, and admired the view. This is our little township, taken as the sun was starting to go down for the day. You can see the Buller River to the left of the photo. This river eventually comes out at Westport on the West Coast, to join with the Tasman Sea.

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