
Do any of you Blippers use the 'Strava' app? It measures how far you walk/run/cycle etc. We use it when we go on a big long walk that we've never been on before.

We use 'Strava' for two reasons:

1 It tells us how far we've walked, it tells us how long we've been walking for and it gives us a map of the route we've taken, which is all quite interesting.

2 If we want to do the same walk again, we know roughly how long it will take which is pretty useful if we're working to a time scale.

The last few weeks 'Strava' has not been working very well. On at least three of our walks it has stopped working and then started working again for no particular reason which has distorted all its data.

Today we went to Musselburgh for my walk. Parked at Musselburgh Harbour and then walked through the town to the Race Course, along the the path at the edge of the Race Course and past the Musselburgh Lagoons to Prestongrange Museum. Then we were going to come back to Musselburgh Harbour via the coastal path. For some reason the coastal path was closed at that point due to 'construction work' though we couldn't see any construction work going on so we had to retrace our steps and then get onto the coastal path at another point. I had a fabulous play on the beach just before we got back to the car.

We walked for 2 hours and 20 mins which is usually about 7 miles of walking.

When we got back to the car 'Strava' told us we had only walked 4.99 miles in 1hr 37 mins. From the point where we had to turn round and retrace our steps (because of construction work) to just before the mouth of the River Esk, Strava switched itself off. WHY? It is very, very, irritating.

Has anyone else had a problem with Strava recently?

PS – I had a lovely walk despite of Strava's inability to record our walk correctly.

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