New friends

Isn't it lovely now the mornings are getting lighter? This morning Ann took me to the park at 7am and it was like every dog in Edinburgh was there??!!! Seriously???? It was like the whole of the city had decided to take their pooches for a walk first thing in the morning. Normally if we go to the park at that time we only see the odd one or two people.

What a lovely play I had. This isn't a great photo but it's the best Ann could do because we were all zooming around in super speedy mode.

And do you know what?..................... the owner of these two doggies was a little bit cross with them because they were walking in the opposite direction to us and they kept running after me to play chase.

Eventually Ann had to say, 'Trixie, that's playtime over. Please come here.' Obviously I went straight back to Ann because I am a 'perfect pooch'. She clipped me onto my lead which meant that my two new best friends went back to their owner.

#perfectpooch #smugcolliepupowner

PS – This afternoon I went out in the car obv I had a nice walk as well and guess what I found in our car park on my return home? Yep, another manky old ball. Yay! I went to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home' on 13th February to give them 44 manky old balls that I had found. Do you know how many manky old balls I've found since then?............ 17. How fabulous is that????????????????

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