Here we go again – Day 65

Today my human is happy. That means I'm happy.

After seeing all her English friends (a lot who are younger than her) posting stuff on FB about how they have had the vaccine/got an appointment for the vaccine, Ann and her Scottish friends were getting really fed up with the whole situation. In Scotland, after the over 65 year olds had been done, the next category was 'vulnerable' people. Ann didn't have a problem with that. What she did have a problem with............. was the fact that there was no information out there as to an approx date when the 60-65 years olds (with no underlying health issues) were due to get jabbed. And to make matters worse; at Nicola's daily briefly yesterday she said that letters would soon be going out to all 50-59 year olds inviting them to get the vaccine. Duh! Ann and her support bubble, Susi, were very depressed yesterday afternoon because the 60-65 year olds just seemed to have disappeared off the Covid radar?!!! They spent all afternoon drinking wine in an effort to cheer themselves up.

Between them, in an attempt to find out when they could expect the vaccine, they'd phoned their GP surgeries, NHS111, gone online and Susi had even emailed her SMP. All to no avail!!! And then last night Ann went onto the 'Vaccine Queue Calculator for Scotland', which told her she could expect to receive her first vaccine between 16/04/21 & 01/05/21. That just made her even more angry so she posted the results on FB and had a bit of a rant!!!

Result! - One of Ann's friends replied and said her sister who was 64 had phoned the 'Covid helpline' and been given an appointment straight away. She gave Ann the phone number. (It's 0800 030 8013 if anyone is interested). Ann phoned this morning and was given an appointment for next Tuesday. Yay! Obviously Ann shared this info with her friends so they've all got appointments for next week now. Yay!

Still don't understand why there's no information out there for the 60-65 year olds though??!!

Anyway, for my afternoon walk I went to Susi's house because Ann & Susi were so happy that they had to have a glass of wine to celebrate.

Susi gave me a carrot. Ann took a photo of me. It's not very good, but it's all we've got for you today.

#thingscanonlygetbetter #onestepclosertonormality

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