Just the Withers......

By JaneW

It pays to be a scrounger ..

A cake scrounger not a benefit cheat or anything ..
Look at my lovely lovely present from my blip friend Katie ... It's a cake in a jar and it is DELICIOUS !!! Moist tasty sponge and a good topping ...
I actually don't like the word moist but what else can I use ?? Non dry sponge ??? Damp ??? No ... See ... Find me a better word will you blippers :D

Today we popped to Redditch to mooch in the wonder bargain emporium PRIMARK ... Eve brought some pink jeans and a t-shirt saying DORK ... Jolly good ...
Some folk hate Primark and are very vocal about this .. As if it would make me think twice about buying from there .. No,it just makes me want to poke them in the eye and hiss 'shushhh now you donger ' but instead I yawn and wander off .

I am good at wandering off when people say things I don't like .. I literally just go ... For instance a while back a woman was slagging off 'immigrants ' but what she was really doing was being a racist pig .. I just left her mid sentence and went shopping ..
No point arguing with people like that YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH STUPID... ( I go stupid deliberately to make people angry when they are being pompous or pretentious...then I wander off ) x
Wandering off is this years new black


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