New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Lone Hellebore

Chilled out day today, P suggested going to see The Batman, but none of the screenings were empty enough for me, so instead we wandered into Hamilton to try out the Cadzow bakehouse.  I think P will be back for lunchtime coffee as the coffee was actually good (we have good coffee at home, so often when we're out and about and he gets coffee its 'eh...the stuff we have at home is better')and their cakes were great.  We missed out on the last creme-egg stuffed cookie, but the almond cigaro and biscoff donut were good.  The donut turned out to be nutella rather rather biscoff which made it even better. 

On the way home, P noticed this lone hellebore growing out of the grass so it got blipped.  We spent the rest of the afternooon looking at houses on rightmove and trying to remember how to make the music box work with the computer.  Realised that we really like where we're living at the moment and would really like it if a house came up on the estate we're on, so we might just be watching for boards going up!

Today's Sountrack: Movement and Location by Punch Brothers

Edit: Came back with a bird question.  In the last few weeks there have suddenly been hundreds of thrushes appearing.  We haven't seen them in all the time we've been up here but now they're everywhere.  They don't seem to be migratory,but does anyone know why thrushes suddening seem to have just sprung up out of the ground in huge numbers?!?

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