Finding Internal Warmth

It was bitter cold most of the day. The temp was 11 deg F when we got up but the wind chill made it feel like 1 deg F. The birds were flocked to the full feeders and suet, trying to get warm inside. My sister has so many cute little nuthatches. The Blue Jay was totally uncooperative but maybe I can sneak up on him later in the week. My BIL made a hearty breakfast for him, my sister and hubby; sausage and an omelette, both no-no’s for me. But I had a tasty bagel and banana. Our roads were covered in ice and drifted snow, making them impassable for automobiles so we were not able to go to Mass. The guys rode their four-wheelers to the paved road and think we may be able to get out once our road melts. They ran into drifts and iced covered roads that could melt tomorrow with warmer temps. I made a huge bowl of turkey salad; we have lunch until we leave on Wednesday. We read by the fireplace, worked crosswords and enjoyed the day. I made a meatloaf for dinner. My sister and I took carrots to the horse who lives in the field across from her house. He isn’t totally comfortable with us yet but at least he took the carrot from my hand this time. Because of being so remote, we get very little news. Our prayers continue for the Ukrainian people. Take care of yourselves and find reasons for a bit of joy. We really appreciate you hearts, stars and comments for yesterday’s adventure. "You have to believe in happiness, or happiness never comes ... Ah, that's the reason a bird can sing — On his darkest day he believes in spring." - Douglas Malloch

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