Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Night shot

I took photos of this plant in daylight, but without bothering to take my reading glasses - and hence didn't realise that the camera had decided to focus on the leaves behind, rather than the big flower in the centre of the field (see extra) - WHY???

So when I sat at the computer to do my blip, I realised I didn't have a usable photo.  

By this time, it was very dark, and raining, but I was determined to get a photo of these flowers.

I'm not sure what plant it is - maybe some sort of Vinca - but until this year it has produced few flowers, just considerable sprawling ground cover that needs to be cut back several times every summer.  This year it is covered in flowers.

In other news - well we continue to be devastated by the news emerging from Ukraine - but this morning I was particularly upset by news of Middle Eastern refugees (mainly Syrians, also victims of a Russian war) being apparently pushed out of Belarus, but the contrast to their reception - and the reporting of their plight - to that of the Ukrainian refugees.

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