2000 miles in under two years on new bike!

Today I reached 2000 miles on the bike I bought in the first lockdown in April 2020. Although I have another ‘commuting’ bike I decided to buy a new bike with front suspension to use on muddy towpaths and going to the allotment etc. During the lockdowns I cycled more than usual as the roads were so quiet using both bikes as appropriate…my other bike is lighter and better when going up hills or needing to lift it up steps etc. I’m not sure how many miles I have been on the other bike as the battery ran out and it then reset to zero. ( However I have cycled more miles than I have driven in the last two years!)

Today I went to the allotment as it was such a nice sunny day. I dug some leeks, trimmed the lavender and brought home some forget me knot plants ( as in the bicycle basket)  to put in pots. They self seed at the allotment and I do this every year about this time.

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