Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Marsha came to visit for the whole day! She immediately made herself at home by doing her usual trick - getting all Archie’s toys out and spreading them around the lounge. If Archie made a move to pick one up, she’d rush in and grab it first. 

When JR came home, I went to the gym. Robert came to release Archie take Archie out.

I am flagging a bit in the exercise department. I’ve been every day for three weeks now, and there is absolutely NO improvement. Anywhere. Also, still not losing any weight, despite the deprivations. So my resolve is waning. In fact, this morning I didn’t go straight to the gym, but carried on straight to the cafe for a coffee and a croissant instead. Just felt like it. I watched the swimmers, listened to a podcast (about Putin) and then eventually dragged myself in to the gym for a half-hearted session on a few things. 

JR took Marsha out for a walk in the afternoon, and she was only away for about 10 minutes. Sometimes Marsha isn’t keen on going for much of a walk.

In the afternoon I drove across town to ParcelForce to return a package. Yes - Shoes - which, funnily enough, were not suitable. But it was free returns, so it was worth a punt.

Need to start thinking about The Cruise, as the plane tickets have arrived!

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