Red Bucket Day
Hurrah, good old prop showed up and we went over the outstanding items of business. A new gear cable needed, one through hull fitting for the strainer, and best of all a solution for the water outtake for the stern gear, my major worry. Beezer! That left me to get the diesel heater ducting back in situ and get down undersides to clear the remaining crud off the hull.
A late finish, in time to catch the 18:20 ferry, and back via the Jubilee for a superb fish & chips.
Tell you whit though, this inflation, eh? Diesel prices spiralling upwards, and even in our teeny house we’re looking at £900 more a year for gas & electric. How poor folks are supposed to manage, I have no idea. I know the son has given up on heating altogether. I suppose it was a brief and recent invention. Good while it lasted though.
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