My Lidl camellia

Thank you for your good wishes and yes, I did take Mr C’s advice and have an easy day. I’ve almost finished my book “The Nightwatchman” by Louise Erdrich. I’m enjoying reading the novel based around the Chippewa during the time of the US Government’s proposed 1953 ‘Emancipation Bill’ which was anything but that.

I think it could be the antibiotics which are making me tired, but I’ve made a veggie nut roast for tea, and a pear, walnut and Roquefort starter with honey and Marsala dressing. It’s very yummy. I’ll take a picture and put it in the cook book.

Talking about cook books, does anyone know if Ottolenghi Simple had many non-meat recipes as I’m feeling inspired to try something new.

I’m going to drive to the physio later to get my leg seen to. The soreness and stiffness seems to have moved from the calf to settle behind the knee. I

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