Marvellous adventure

Another magical jeep safari today took me to a part of the island I’d never visited before.

We headed for Sao Vicente and then turned east along the wild and stunning North coast. First we went through Ponta Delgada and then stopped in Boaventura, at the breathtaking viewpoint.

It’s not on the main tourist routes. The roads are narrow and challenging. New tunnels and new roads are under construction so it may be that this remote area becomes busier.

We had changing light and dramatic views.

Our guide was charming, a safe and excellent driver, with a passion for Madeira and breadth of knowledge. 

The four other people in the jeep were great company : two Brits and a French couple so we had quite a multi-lingual lunchtime.

Wonderful traditional lunch and a full day (with a return visit to the steam powered rum factory.)

My extra is a zoom shot of a Micronesian Sparrowhawk, endangered species and soaring over our heads. 

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