By lizzie_birkett


Yes, Frank tested positive this morning! He’s had a second booster a few weeks ago too. He’s had a sore throat and a cough for a few days and after one negative on Wednesday he was +ve today.
He coughed a lot through the night and ended up sleeping on the sofa but today he’s felt a lot better - he even planted the shallots.
If I am going to get it I want it now so I’m over it for our weekend away on 25th - Frank’s birthday. 
I tried to order some more LFTs on the gov.uk website but there are none to be had! How mad is that when Covid is on the rise!

Frank drove me to B&M and the Garden Centre - he stayed in the car obviously and I was masked up and used all the sanitizer on everything I was touching!
I got gorgeous Primula’s, a Clematis - Montana, some Fuschias and Raspberry canes and more of that excellent peat free compost. We spent the whole afternoon in the garden - Frank drawing and me digging and planting, it’s been a lovely day. As in lockdown last year and the year before I am finding distraction from all the bad stuff while I work in the garden, I go into my own little world. Part of me feels guilty for having this freedom and peace but at the same time I tell my self I have to make the most of every minute of life as we never know what is round the corner.

The Blip is of the track 20 yards from our house. It’s a lovely walk up there and we take Bella up most mornings.

The Morning Walk

Just up the lane and across the railway lines
the track heads up through farmland.
Wild Primroses are dotted all along the bank.
The fields on either side - uphill and down dale
are alive just now with lambs racing along fences.
Two Shetland ponies wait by the gate for their owner
and a herd of highland cattle stare out of soulful eyes.
A robin follows me for a while, chirping and hopping
from branch to branch through the hawthorn hedges.
Halfway along the track a spring gushes down
into a pool and runs through a gully on the other side,
I once saw a rat carried along in the flow.
If I am awake early enough to walk at sunrise
I might see the barn owl flying silently home
After a long night of hunting its prey 
and at this time of year a couple of hares
leaping and chasing each other up the hill.
Heading home I see the signal is raised
and soon the train hooter sounds, so we wait
until it’s safe to cross.
Aaaah, glorious Spring time.

Have a lovely weekend Blippers :-)X

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