Magical Monarch

I’m nearly as thrilled by the sight of a Monarch butterfly as I am by a kingfisher fly past.  You’re pretty certain to find Monarchs on the flowers in the gardens opposite the Theatre. This morning was no exception. 

I went to the 11.00 service in the Cathedral. The music is magnificent. The young priest is inspirational. The Madeirans are so welcoming. And it’s packed. It doesn’t matter that I’m not Catholic, and my Portuguese is very sketchy. I could go there and pray for peace in Ukraine. It’s moving and uplifting, and terrifying all at the same time.

I took the bus from the centre to one of my favourite places for lunch (extra). The Restaurante Atlantico. It was fairly quiet but the other tables were filled with happy Madeiran families with young people. The sun shone. The world sparkled. The sea looked magical.

It would probably be too much to ask for Forest to beat Liverpool…….

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