New Dahlia, just

I have loads of pots in the green house but only three are showing any signs of life yet. Its not a problem as its far too early to put them out and I don't want them to have too much growth before they go in the ground. Having said that its still exciting to see the leaves poking up through the soil.
Every year there is a day when you look at some plants and think, this is the optimum, it can not get much better. Today it was daffodils. I have them specifically down one side of the drive and all along our road frontage. Additionally they are growing in other parts of the garden where they went in and plans subsequently changed, such as under the trees in the old orchard. This is now the chicken pen but the flowers are magnificent this year, maybe its the chicken poo diet they are now getting.
Feeling quite pleased with myself I drove to Dereham, only to realise that EVERYBODIES daffodils look magnificent today, even those on the road side that are obviously self seeded.
Never mind, I am still very pleased with my display. In view of this you might wonder why they are not my blip of the day. The reason is simple, the flowers look superb, the photos don't. Maybe tomorrow

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