
By pattons6

Shopping and tea with grandma

I have had a great day. After partying until 10pm last night, I slept until 6.30am. Daddy coming home from work woke me up. I had some milk and wanted to play. But mummy got me dressed and put me in my car seat, where on earth where we going at this time in the morning?

I was so pleased, as we went to pick up grandma, mummy told me that as grandad has a sore arm he isn't allowed to drive, so mummy was taking grandma shopping. It took us 3 hours to do the shopping, as I had all my people to speak to, all the people working, people walking past, children. One man had the cheek to ignore me so I grabbed his arm to speak to him, he then smiled. Oh and one man kissed my hand. I was very pleased with myself. I also had some milk going round, but still smiled for everyone, dribbling some milk of course but grandma mopped it up. She said she isn't taking me again, as it takes soooo long.

I have played this afternoon while mummy went to get a new face, oh sorry, a facial and massage. She now all chilled, well until later anyway.

It's just me, mummy and my brother tonight, as my big sister is at a sleep over. Don't know what that is but she isn't here. Means more attention for me from my brother though so I don't care.

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