Don't sit still.....

Don't sit till or you will be cleared away. Mummy was on a mission today. First on the list was my nursery. All my clothes were sorted through, ones which were too small were moved to the loft. The ones that survived the cut were all put away. I still have lots but two huge buckets got put away.

The kitchen was next, all the work tops, table, dishes, sink all cleaned, sorted put away. I managed to sneak in to the fridge and get some ham. Mmmm, that and some chocolate cereal that I helped myself to out of my sisters bowl. Breakfast was amazing.

The hall and livingroom were also done, I heard the bathrooms are on the list for tomorrow. Then all of the floors are to be washed so we will need to go out to let them dry, I wonder where we will go? I know the house gets blasted before Christmas but Easter?

Mummy then took Sophie out, I was left at home to run wild. Well, daddy was here as was my brother. I didn't go for my nap. I was in my cot but managed to climb out. Quite quickly too, mummy said my cot will be turned in to a bed soon.

So at bedtime, I am shattered. Had my bath, jammies on shouted for my bobo. I just finished my bobo when I struggled to keep my eyes open. So daddy changed my nappies carried me to mummy to give her a kiss good night, i was snoring as daddy carried me out of the room.

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