Joe tree day.

My tree is filled with my wildlings. I love how blip as a community all come together and celebrate. 

Well I had all four wildlings at home today. Lincoln was sick everywhere last night and in the end I had to make a bed up on the floor of my room for him. 
Thankfully he's not been sick today. He's had very little food but he has played outside most of today in the garden. 
I had ironing done by 7am so that when Carson had his nap I could mow the front lawn. I also tidied half the garage out too. Five of my neighbours came out and had a chat over the period I was out. 

I took the Wildlings a walk round our neighbourhood and along some of the cycle path as I'm organising another Easter scavenger hunt / family time for the kids in the street and I wanted to start getting questions written down. My neighbours are so lovely and even the ones who don't have any children are going to get involved and leave eggs and snacks out . 

I had the occupational therapist call today for Carson. She will arrange a face to face but says what I'm doing with him sounds on the ball. But it's quite a wait for a face to face appointment. Surprise surprise. While I was on the phone Harp was having the biggest tantrum ever. Oh she was put on timeout. 

Mr R is on his way back from Edinburgh. He was having a fancy lunch with clients. I have gave him order's to bring me home wine ;-) . It's been a long day. Productive but long . Xander and Harp will go back to school and nursery tomorrow but Lincoln will stay at home. I follow the whole 48 hours no sickness rule. 

The weather has been beautiful today. I hope it lasts. 

Thanks for all your comments on my journal. One of these days I will reply . 

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