Looking for Garden Inspiration

A sunny day again, with the hazy mist hanging around again.  A breeze at times, flat calm tonight. 

Up early, and got washing out on the line.  Headed to the garden centre, and then popped by Laura's for a cuppa before work.  I've been working late shift in the airport today.  Oil and gas flights this morning, and then meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  Delays on Edinburgh tonight, due to a aircraft swap.  Walkies with Sammy, and then feet up. 

It has been lovely to have some fine weather lately, but we can't be fooled into thinking winter has left us, it can all change again quickly!  Saying that, it has fairly got me onto gardening mode, and looking for some inspiration.  The garden centre is slowly starting to fill with plants, along with ideas, and soon to be a full greenhouse, with more seeds bought.  Hurry summer, we need you now.  Taken at the Planticrub Garden Centre, Tingwall.  

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