Flowering Currant

I had my physio appointment about the frozen shoulder this morning. (Her first day back after Covid). She thinks I have more movement so the exercises must be helping. I got harder ones to do, and will see her again in a month. Then if things aren’t going to plan I can get referred for an steroid injection using ultrasound to hit the spot.

Ailie and I got out for a walk later than planned, leaving at 11.45 so it was almost 3 before we got back after 6.5 miles and lots of stops. There seem to be many more visitors this year. A couple we met were wondering which way would take them back to the village quickly so I said if they had a map I’d show them. Silly question. Anyway we set them off on the bottom carriage drive then had to call them back as they’d turned off it to the track to Thropton.

It was quite warm when we set off but it quickly cooled off and the clouds looked quite threatening. I saw this blip trailing attractively down Shona’s garden wall on the way home. I love the colour but not the smell.

I worked on my cookery book this afternoon and experimented with a few new dishes, two successfully and one not. (Well it tastes good but doesn’t look too attractive). I’ll have to call a halt soon, as the book will be too big, therefore too expensive and I want to be able to buy some for presents.

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