Snow on Simonside - and magnolia

As predicted, the snow arrived, albeit only briefly on our garden. It’s still on Simonside, the ridge of hills across the valley from us. My magnolia got a chance to flower this year - hopefully the frost won’t get it.

Mr C ordered another load of logs which have gone up 10% since 2 weeks ago.

I was in the middle of baking a loaf when the electricity went off yet again. This time a lorry struck an overhead cable.

The bad news is #2 daughter has got Covid and is feeling grotty. She’s going to miss her leaving do as she finishes her job tomorrow. Before starting her new job she was having a week off which will now be in isolation at home. So disappointing as she had plans for a few nice days out.

The good news is that despite having to do Teams presentations and interviews for a part-time visiting post-grad lectureship while feeling ill, she got the post. She’s really excited about it - it’s something she’s always had a hankering to do and this seems the perfect way to test the water. Her other new job is 4 days a week and so she can fit in both.

The McGowan show we were going to on Sunday had been cancelled which is a relief as we hear few are wearing masks in the Alnwick Playhouse.

We’re going to a talk by the climber Stephen Venables in town next week so I’m re-reading “A Slender Thread”.

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