Liverpool Half

Milly works for a company called Go Puff, for whom she does the 'regional' (i.e. not London) marketing. A few weeks ago she arranged for sponsorship of today's Liverpool half-marathon, and decided that she would run it.

She's been committed to her training despite interruptions due to covid and a holiday with her boyfriend, including the run we did together last Sunday, but I think she was still a little nervous. Well, who wouldn't be?

The clocks going forward and the fact we had to get over to Liverpool made for an early start, and we picked up at Hannah, who was coming with us to provide some moral support, at seven o'clock .

We made it in good time, including a stop for coffee and getting parked up, and we rendezvous'd with Milly's colleague, Sophie (non-'regional' marketing) who was running with us, about fifteen minutes before the race. (I get a little emotional whenever I see anyone out running so you can imagine how I was feeling at the start. My Extra goes only a little way to showing the crowd of runners waiting to run.)

The run itself was wonderful. Along the streets from Pier Head, out around Sefton Park, and back along the side of the Mersey. It was beautifully sunny, with just a nip in the air - perfect running weather - and the three of us made it around in two and a quarter hours. Milly and Sophie made for excellent company, and I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

It's lovely how many people come along to watch and cheer you along the route, and especially at the finish. Hannah was there at Albert Dock, smiling all over her face and bubbling over with enthusiasm, and then there was the last few hundred yards through cheering crowds. Fantastic!

My Blip is of me and Milly after the race.

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