Momma’s Got A Brand New Phone

We have run out of cell phone data the last two months. Knowing we plan to travel to places without Internet service, we decided to bite the bullet and look at available unlimited plans. After four hours, we left the store with three new iPhones, accessories and unlimited service. Hooboy! We actually got a good deal (I think). The third phone is for our mother. We are hoping it will be so easy for her to use that we can turn off her house phone. That will get rid of the crank calls. We asked her if she would definitely use it before we made the investment. She was delighted. We are going to ease her into the phone’s features. The photo in the center is the phone. While we were at her home giving a short tutorial, I snapped a few photos of her flowers. It was quite windy so the flowers were blowing all over the place. I love those cute little daffodils, maybe they are narcissus, I am not sure. The tulip tree blooms are suffering from the harsh weather of late. Parker has an early lacrosse game tomorrow so Momma is spending the night at our home. We stopped at my son’s on the way home and his holly trees were full of cedar waxwings. My bird photos are pitiful because I dared not get out of the car to get a good angle but I wanted to document their visit. We made our typical Lenten Friday meal and worked on a load of laundry. We listened to a heart felt interview from President Zelenskyy. If only this war would end. We’ll have a quiet evening and wish everyone could. Thank you for dropping by. Have a wonderful weekend. “Flowers are Nature’s Messengers - reminders of unspeakable beauty.” - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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