Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Chocolate smile.

Received some sad news last night.

Our Uncle Billy, who lives in Dublin, passed away last night. He was a big part of my trips to visit my mum's family. He was married to my Auntie Vera and they would host the most spectacular Sunday dinners for us. I loved their silver cutlery which was kept in a special case (I thought this was very posh!) and after eating enough to burst, we would go to visit Auntie June for tea (more food than you can imagine!).

Vera was my mum's elder sister. When the whisky was flowing and the songs were sung, they would bicker like teenagers about clothes borrowed, and bras stuffed in their dancing days. It was a joy to listen to. Uncle Billy just smiled and kept the peace.

He was always a hit at the bowling club monthly dances when he visited my mum and dad in Inchinnan, and had a very broad Dublin accent (which I can still hear in my head now). Uncle Billy never called any of the Scottish nieces by the right name...but was a complete Gentleman. He will be very sadly missed.

Took No 1 and No 3 to see the Croods tonight. Very funny.

Here's No 3 having her second breakfast.

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