Fancy Railings

Life conducted on the internet is only possible if the website being used cooperates. Previously I have had no trouble getting a prescription renewal on the doc’s website. However, last night there was no way I could convince the site that I wasn’t a robot. I put in the code letters and numbers time and time again with no luck which meant I trailed up to Bruntsfield this morning to hand in the paper prescription, not to a person but to a specified post box at the entrance. Notices in large print forbade entrance further unless for an appointment. When is this nonsense going to end? When the directive from on high says every appointment request has to have a phone call back from the doctor it seems to my simple mind a huge waste of time. How many complaints can be successfully diagnosed over the phone?

Having deposited the prescription correctly , I made my way to the Black Ivy for coffee and a large fruit scone with the Merry Widows and my goodness we had a lovey hour putting the world to rights, our rights which largely differ from those of a much younger generation.

I saw these fancy railings on my walk. A thistle and a rose inset. Perhaps it is an indication of the inhabitants of the house behind.

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