And relax!!!

After a day which should have been de-stressing, but which for some inexplicable reason I found really stressing, we settled down in front of the fire with some Baroque music from the Berlin Phil Digital Concert hall.

We've accepted an offer on the house, and have the confirmation in writing; the buyers have already arranged a homebuyers survey - albeit it can't be done till after Easter as the surveyors are really busy.  We're making slow but steady progress in sorting out our stuff - today's half empty bottle was some Creme de Framboise that is probably over 10 years old, but it seemed to taste OK when mixed with some white wine.  It'll last a few days, because W didn't like it.  And the fire was blazing well because it was burning some offcuts from W's workshop.

I had a satisfying session in the studio, finished the top for Milo, and made a skirt for Robin from the same purple fabric as the jacket I made two years ago.

We've a trip to Sweden coming up very shortly - planning for which has been chaotic or non-existent due to the house sale shenanigans, but we really need to decide on the itinerary.

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