
No, it's not Wimbledon week - but it actually was a more spring like day today.

A week ago, we moved the contents of our drinks cabinet onto the dining room table.  We've no doubt been causing some amusement or possibly disapproval to our subsequent house viewers.  We passed a few bottles to our neighbours - they have young adult children.

One of the bottles we unearthed was an almost empty bottle of Pimm's.  Yesterday, I drank the last of the open (there are several more, not yet opened) bottle of gin, and W drank the last of the vermouth that had also been in the cabinet for years.  So our task for this evening was to empty this - just enough for a slurp each, topped up with some lemonade that was also very ancient.  No fruit, no cucumber I'm afraid.  

Prior to this, I spent time in the studio.  On Saturday, during a lovely long conversation with daughter R, she mentioned that Milo has already grown out of the T shirt I made him, and asked if I had any more of the striped material - he likes to dress like his brother.  I'm well on the way to making a top that matches Robin's dress.

And W spent a bit more time in the workshop - he's started bundling up and tying together lengths of wood that he wants to transport to Ireland.

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