Heavily laden

I drove into Exmouth to do some food shopping and was held up by temporary traffic lights so I thought I would be clever and go home via the narrow country route. However, I didn’t bargain for lots of cows crossing the road. I had the engine switched off when I took this shot and I wasn’t front line, there was a van in front of me. What surprised me was how heavily laden with milk lots of the cows were, they were just bursting to be milked.
The log rolls are all in place now and Duncan just has to backfill them which wasn’t done before so we think he will be finished tomorrow although the weather doesn’t look good and he told my husband yesterday that his wife had tested positive for Covid over the weekend so crossed fingers he arrives tomorrow.
We also had our annual gutter clean today ready for to tomorrow’s  deluge.
I have just pricked out some tomato seedlings, a few cosmos and sewed some more flower seeds. The instructions for the aquilegia seeds are to put the pot inside a plastic bag and put it in the fridge for three weeks. I have set myself a reminder to take them out.
We both received birthday cards today from my husband’s parents. My birthday was two weeks’ ago and my husband’s isn’t for another three weeks, very strange. 

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